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Students may audition for the Summer Intensive by one of three methods listed below. There is a $25 audition/application fee. All students will be notified of decision by email within ten days following their audition.


  1. GROUP AUDITION – Sunday, February 23rd, 2020, 1:30 – 2:45 9-12 years old; 3:00 – 4:30 13-19 years old. Please bring a full body photo (in ballet attire, position of dancer’s choice). Registration begins 1/2 hour prior to audition.

  2. VIDEO AUDITION – Students who live a considerable distance away from the Centre and are unable to travel for audition, may submit an application form and fee with a 10 minute videotape/DVD and the following photographs: 1st Arabesque, side view, develop a la seconde en face, attitude in efface, pose of your choice.

  3. INDIVIDUAL AUDITION – Individual auditions may be requested by calling (925) 935-7984. Eligible students will be invited to participate in a current CCBC class for evaluation.


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